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Welcome to
St. Mark's

Lent at St. Mark's

Shrove Tuesday + March 4th

- Pancake Supper at 6pm


Ash Wednesday + March 5th

- Imposition of Ashes at 12pm

- Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion at 6pm


Fridays in Lent

- Stations of the Cross at 6pm


About St. Mark's

Ancient Worship, Faithful Fellowship,
Modern Mission, Timeless Truth

St. Mark's is a community gathered around grace, which God gives to us freely through his Word, his Sacraments, and the Community we share with one another.

Regular Service Times


Morning Prayer +  7:30am

Holy Communion (Main Worship Service) + 9am


Special Services




Confession and Adoration + 11:30am

Holy Communion + 6pm


Daily Office

Morning Prayer: Mon, Wed, Th + 8:30am

                              Sun, Tue + 7:30am

Evening Prayer:  Mon, Tue, Th + 4pm 

*Daily Office and Major Feast times are subject to change, based on Holidays, Holydays, and travel.


Holy Days and Major Feasts

Holy Communion + 4pm


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